Environmental Pollutants and Respiratory Disorders

Outdoor air quality in the United States has improved tremendously over the past few decades. However, in some areas of New York, the public continues to remain at risk of exposure to potentially dangerous toxins that increase their risk of suffering respiratory disorders and breathing problems. Below is a brief overview of environmental pollutants and respiratory disorders.

Common Environmental Pollutants Linked to Respiratory Disorders 

The air you breathe can be contaminated with a number of fine particles of different types that contribute to various diseases and disorders. Possible types of air pollutants include nitrogen oxides, particulate matters, and sulfur dioxide. These particles may be linked to an increased risk of breathing problems. They may also be linked to an exacerbation of the symptoms of asthma, as well as impaired lung function.

Common Sources of Environmental Hazards 

New Yorkers should be aware of certain sources of environmental pollutants and respiratory disorders that might be linked to them. Below are some possible sources of air pollutants. 

  • Industrial facilities
  • Coal-burning plants
  • Metal smelters
  • Incinerators
  • Refineries
  • Carbon monoxide in buildings
  • Benzene fumes
  • Asbestos 

Many of these pollutants have been around for decades while others are fairly new. For instance, asbestos is not as common as a building material as it once was. However, there are still many buildings that contain asbestos from previous decades and some materials might still contain asbestos.

People who live in these building are at risk of exposure to asbestos fibers when they undertake renovation or home remodeling. During the renovation, those asbestos fibers can get displaced, and disperse into the air, placing people in the building at serious risk of respiratory illnesses.

Consequences of Exposure to Environmental Pollutants: Respiratory Disorders That May Result 

When a person is exposed to pollutants in the environment that affect the lungs and respiratory airways, he is exposed to the risk of a number of conditions that can leave him severely disabled.

  • Asthma
  • Lung Cancer
  • Mesothelioma
  • Lung silicosis
  • Asbestosis
  • Emphysema
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
  • Bronchitis
  • Chronic cough

Some of these conditions are severely disabling and get progressively worse over a period of time. A person who suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder is often unable to go to work and earn a productive income.

The person may suffer from severe shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness. Some respiratory disorders have no permanent cure, so persons who suffer from these conditions will require extensive and long-term management of their symptoms. 

Compensation if Environmental Pollutants Cause Respiratory Disorders 

A person who has contracted respiratory illnesses may be eligible to recover compensation for damages. Compensation recoverable through an environmental claim can include medical expenses, lost income, loss of potential income, pain and suffering damages, and loss of quality of life.

You can seek damages from a number of negligent parties responsible for causing the toxic pollution that led to your injuries. These can include residential and commercial building owners, corporations, industrial facilities, factories, plants, and other parties. The liable party in your case will be dependent on the source of the environmental pollutants and respiratory disorders.

This requires collecting evidence of exposure to the pollutants as well as your respiratory illness. Many require legal assistance from an attorney to establish the source of the pollution through proper evidence.

Speak to a personal injury lawyer about how you can file a claim to recover compensation for your damages. Call 800-550-0000 to set up a consultation with a lawyer at Gacovino, Lake & Associates.

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