Options for Recovery of Damages in a Hit and Run

When someone causes serious or fatal injuries in an accident, it’s critical to hold the driver accountable. The actual costs incurred — such as medical bills — and other damages that accident victims may suffer as well should be covered. These may include lost wages, pain and suffering, mental anguish, and wrongful death.

Victims of hit-and-run accidents can be left to feel that justice hasn’t been served. It’s likely what the family of a 35-year-old man in Queens is experiencing after the man lost his life after being struck by a driver who left the scene of the accident.

Finding the responsible party sometimes can be difficult when it comes to hit-and-run crashes. Statements from witnesses can be helpful, especially if a description can be given of the vehicle. Thankfully, police know what type of car they are looking for in this case (a white Volkswagen GTI), along with the kind of damage it sustained.

Recovering Damages in a Hit-and-Run Accident 

When someone is seriously injured in a hit and run, there may be other means of recovering compensation. New York is a no-fault state, which means that no matter who was at fault in an accident, victims can recover no-fault benefits.

This covers bodily injury, which typically allows victims to pay for medical bills right away. When the driver responsible isn’t known, this eliminates having to wait to find him/her to recover compensation. New York requires $50,000 in basic personal injury protection in addition to uninsured/underinsured bodily injured insurance, which may provide coverage as well. Liability coverage is also a requirement in New York.

Of course, one can hope that police eventually will find the party responsible for the accident. In that case, a claim against the hit-and-run driver can be filed. For help learning about rights and legal options when seriously or fatally injured in a hit and run, contact an attorney today at Gacovino, Lake & Associates.

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