PradaxaPradaxa came on the American market after approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in October 2010. It is an anticoagulant drug designed to treat individuals diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, or irregular heartbeat, by controlling the clotting response in the body and may help reduce risk of stroke. It has since become a major competitor for the old standby, warfarin.

Pradaxa works differently than warfarin because rather than decreasing vitamin K activity in the blood, it inhibits thrombin, a clotting protein. So in essence, the two drugs perform the same service but function in different ways. 

As with all drugs, there are certain side effects associated.  It has been charged with causing various discomforts, health concerns and potentially lethal complications. The drug manufacturer, Boehringer Ingelheim, has provided labeling warnings for some of these side effects, while some have resulted in personal injury and product liability lawsuits.  Our lawyers at Gacovino Lake & Associates can help file a lawsuit if the drug caused you serious harm.

Common Side Effects of Pradaxa

Similar to warfarin and other blood-thinning drugs, Pradaxa has the potential to cause excessive bleeding or bruising from minor injuries such as scrapes or small cuts. Anyone using this dangerous drug is advised to inform doctors or dentists that they are using prior to submitting to any type of medical or dental procedure. This type of proactive behavior can reduce the risk of bleeding complications.

Users who are older than 75 are at highest risk for bleeding problems from using this drug. Also, anyone with kidney problems or stomach or intestinal bleeding is at increased risk.

Typical side effects include heartburn, stomach pain, nausea or indigestion.

Serious Side Effects of Pradaxa

More serious side effects also have been linked to Pradaxa use. Liver failure, heart attack, uncontrollable bleeding and death have resulted from Pradaxa side effects. In the event you suffer from side effects like unusual bleeding, coughing up blood, discolored urine, joint swelling or pain, dizziness, weakness, vomit resembling coffee grounds, or severe headaches, see your doctor.

A major difference between Pradaxa and warfarin is that there is no known antidote for uncontrolled bleeding with Pradaxa, leaving emergency room doctors with limited recourse when a patient is admitted with this side effect. Doctors in the emergency room often can control bleeding associated with warfarin.

Meanwhile, after serious complications, talk to our lawyers about your rights to recover damages from a liable party.

Talk to Pradaxa Lawyers about Your Right to File a Lawsuit

Many deaths associated with this drug may be attributed to uncontrolled bleeding, hemorrhaging or heart attack. The manufacturer denied fault in the deaths but reportedly paid out more than $650 million in damages in 2014 to end more than 4,000 existing suits and multi-district litigations.

If you need help deciding if you have a viable defective drug case against the manufacturers, our lawyers at Gacovino, Lake & Associates can help you review the facts and establish a plan of action. We are ready to build your case and obtain the compensation you are due. If you or a loved one suffered serious side effects, you could be entitled to reimbursement for medical bills, lost wages, and/or pain and suffering. 

We are dedicated to helping victims of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs rebuild their financial and personal lives. We work to ensure that each case is treated with the attention necessary to ensure a positive outcome for the victim involved. Call us today at (800) 550-0000 to set up a consultation with a Pradaxa attorney.
