Fall from HeightOne of the most harmful workplace injuries that a worker can sustain is a fall from a dangerous height. Those who work in the construction industry are at risk for a workplace fall injury.

When a worker falls from a height, injuries can be severe or even deadly. If you’ve experienced a workplace fall from heights, attorneys from Gacovino, Lake & Associates can help you pursue the benefits to which you’re entitled.

What Causes a Worker to Fall from A Height 

Overhead platforms, elevated work stations, and other structures that elevate workers are all used in the construction and other industries, and are a necessary part of the job. However, these platforms and workstations are not always properly maintained, secured, or otherwise set up to reduce the risk of falls and other hazards.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employers should offer the following safeguards. Failure to do any of the above can cause falls from heights in the workplace. 

  • Guard holes in elevated floors.
  • Provide a guardrail for raised walking platforms.
  • Require the use of harnesses, lines, safety nets, and hand railings for certain jobs.
  • Keep floors clean and hazard-free.
  • Scaffolding requirements and regulations should always be met.

Injuries from High Fall Accidents

Injuries that result from a fall from heights can be some of the most tragic. OSHA reports that falls are one of the most common causes of injuries and death for workers.

A fall from a height can lead to any of the following painful outcomes. 

  • Broken bones
  • A broken back or spinal cord injury
  • A traumatic head injury
  • Internal injuries
  • Impalement limb amputations
  • Severe lacerations

The extent of the injuries is dependent upon the position of the body, the height from which the worker fell, and the landing surface. Fall injuries can also cause death, or take long-term therapy to remedy. Some injuries caused by a fall from a dangerous height may be permanent. Thus, after a fall from heights, lawyers can help you recover compensation for your damages.

Recovering Compensation for a Workplace Fall from Height Injury

New York workers’ compensation law requires that employers carry insurance for their employees in the event of an accident. Workers’ comp pays a claim in the event that an injury is work-related, regardless of which party – the employer, coworker, or even the injured worker – caused the accident.

Therefore, if you’ve sustained a workplace fall injury, you should qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. The exception to this rule is in the event that the worker was intoxicated at the time of the accident or purposefully causes the accident.

A worker injured on the job may qualify for medical benefits, supplemental benefits, cash benefits, and more depending on the case details. The family of a worker who was killed in a workplace fall accident may be able to recover death benefits under New York workers’ compensation.

In addition to recovering damages under workers’ compensation, if the fall injury was the direct result of a third party’s negligent actions – such as a defective piece of equipment or another contractor’s grossly irresponsible behavior – the injured worker may also pursue a third-party liability suit for damages.

Speak with Our Attorneys after a Workplace Injury

A workplace accident attorney can help you file your claim for workers’ compensation benefits, and help you get the benefit amount you deserve. What’s more, an attorney can help you decide whether or not pursuing a third-party liability suit is within your rights as well.

At Gacovino, Lake & Associates, P.C., our team of fall from heights attorneys will help you understand workers’ compensation and personal injury law, and will work with you to make sure your benefits are paid in full. To reach us today, call 800-550-0000 now.
