Q: What are some common medication errors?

Medication errors can occur anywhere from a neighborhood pharmacy to a hospital surgery wing. Medication errors can involve:

  • improper dosages;
  • administration of the wrong medication;
  • wrongly labeled medication packages;
  • inattention to drug interactions;
  • miscommunication of patient information between medical staff; and
  • many other factors.

The most common medication error is related to miscommunication between medical staff. When a doctor does not clearly communicate important information such as dosage, patient allergies, medication name, and administration procedure, the pharmacy or other medical staff may not get the correct instructions for the patient.

Improper dosages, medication strengths, or mixing procedures are also common medication errors that medical staff may make. Inexperienced pharmacists may make a mistake mixing the medication and prepare too strong of a compound. A hurried staff member may also mislabel a dose, or give a patient too much by entering an extra 0 to a dosage monitor.

Often if medical staff does not pay attention to the patient’s medical history they can also make medication errors. Patient charts should list known medication allergies, current medications, and condition information to inform medical staff of what should and should not be administered. If a patient is accidentally given a medication that reacts with a current drug they are taking, or will worsen a current condition, the results can be serious or fatal.

Contacting a New York medical malpractice Attorney

When you have suffered serious injury or lost a loved one because of another’s negligence you are entitled to compensation for your damages and suffering. Filing a medical malpractice claim can be a difficult and time-consuming process that can be made simpler with the experienced assistance of a New York medical malpractice attorney.

At Gacovino Lake & Associates we have formed a dedicated network of medical malpractice attorneys to serve clients nationwide. Our New York office serves residents of the 5 boroughs with their medical malpractice claims. For experienced help when filing your claim, contact us today – 1-800-246-4878.

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