Actos Linked To Bladder Cancer

On June 15, 2011, the FDA released a safety announcement concerning the use of Actos (pioglitazone) and bladder cancer.  This warning is following a review of data from a ten-year study of the drug by the manufacturer, Takeda Pharmaceuticals.  The study revealed that the patients taking Actos for more than a year had a 40% higher risk of developing bladder cancer.

Actos is prescribed for adults with Type-2 diabetes and is used to maintain proper sugar levels.  It also prevents the liver from producing more sugar than is necessary, increasing the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

The FDA advised Actos users to be aware of signs which may indicate bladder cancer such as:

  • Blood in urine or red color in the urine
  • Back pain
  • Urgent need to urinate (new or worsening)
  • Painful urination

After being reviewed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) the use of Actos has been banned in France and Germany.   There have been complaints of heart problems, congestive heart failure, fragile bones, fluid retention and serious eyesight conditions made by patients taking Actos.

To this day, the FDA has not included warnings of these side effects on the labels.  As a result of Takeda Pharmaceutical’s failure to adequately research the side effects and potential risks of bladder cancer from the use of Actos, thousands of consumers may have been afflicted with this life threatening disease.

Actos users who have been diagnosed with bladder cancer may be able to take legal action if the manufacturer failed to properly warn doctors and patients about the Actos bladder cancer risk.  If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with bladder cancer after taking Actos, you may be eligible for a dangerous drug claim.  Please stop by our website or call us at 1-800-246-4878 to speak to one of our attorneys.

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