FELA Cases

FELA Cases

FELA (the Federal Employers’ Liability Act) protects the rights of injured railroad workers. At Gacovino, Lake & Associates, our personal injury attorneys are very well versed in FELA and related federal and state laws regarding injuries and fatalities among railroad employees.
A Comparative-Fault System

The implementation of FELA in the early 1900s made it possible for a railroad employee to obtain financial compensation for his/her injuries—or for the surviving family members to obtain compensation—even if the injured or killed railroad employee was partly at fault for the injury. A comparative-fault system is provided by FELA, meaning that a railroad employee’s compensation can be reduced by a percentage that matches the level of his responsibility for the injury, but he will still be eligible for compensation. This is a significant change from the days when railroads ran roughshod over the rights of its employees.

Protecting the Rights of Injured Railroad Workers

There are hundreds of ways that a railroad worker can get hurt on the job. A few categories of common examples are:

  • A fire on the train causes severe inhalation injuries
  • An equipment malfunction results in severe injuries
  • A collision with another train or a vehicle at a crossing
  • The engine brake malfunctions, causing disabling injuries
  • Spilling of toxic substances or gas when a train car derails

Obtaining Financial Compensation under FELA

In fact, thousands of railroad employees have been hurt in the last decade, including many workers in New York and the surrounding states. Gacovino, Lake & Associates is a FELA plaintiffs’ law firm that both protects the rights of the injured and strives to obtain the maximum financial compensation for losses such as:

  • Medical bills stemming from the injury or fatality, including both short- and long-term medical costs
  • Lost income—present and future
  • Rehabilitation—both physical and occupational
  • Nursing care—whether at a facility or at the home of the injured worker
  • Out-of-pocket expenses such as necessary help around the home
  • Funeral and burial bills
  • Loss of a loved one’s companionship, guidance and financial contribution to the family

Talk with a FELA Attorney at Our Offices

FELA exists to help injured railroad workers and their families. If you or a loved one has been injured while working as a railroad employee, it is important to hire an attorney who has experience with FELA claims. A FELA attorney will be able to help you recover the full amount of compensation for your injuries and losses, and will be prepared to work through any challenges. To schedule a private, no-cost consultation, contact Gacovino, Lake & Associates today.

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