Student Files Lawsuit Against School Following Shop Class Injury

A former Gateway Regional High School student was seriously injured on the Woodbury Heights school grounds in 2008 following a band saw accident. He is suing the school district for damages.

Ryan Hughes alleges that during a shop class, a running band saw snagged his clothing, pulling him into the blade, causing serious injury.

Hughes filed a civil lawsuit in Gloucester County Superior Court in October against the school, the Board of Education, the band saw manufacturer and his shop teacher, Christopher Anderson, who was responsible for the classroom.

It is unknown if disciplinary action was taken following the alleged incident or if shop class procedures and policies were changed.

According to court papers, Hughes “was injured when a band saw, which was left running and unattended, pulled him into the machine by grabbing his clothing as he walked by.”

Hughes claims there are no guards on the blade and no floor markings to indicate a safety zone.

The accident left Hughes with limited elbow movement, permanent scarring and nerve damage.

In 2011, one month after Hughes’ 18th birthday, he filed general written claims in a notice to the high school and the school district’s third-party insurance carrier, court papers indicated.

Hughes’ lawsuit indicates that the insurance claims “have failed to satisfactorily satisfy” his demands.

The lawsuit alleges negligence and personal physical injury demands.

For more information, contact one of our Gacovino Lake attorneys at 1-800-246-HURT (4878).

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