If you acquired a serious infection after undergoing an appendectomy, you may be able to sue and pursue compensation through a medical malpractice claim. It will depend on whether or not this was caused by medical negligence. This is where a...
Q: What do I need to know about insurance industry settlement tactics so I can try to handle my New York personal injury claim on my own?
FAQ: Insurance industry settlement tactics
Q: What do I need to know about insurance industry settlement tactics so I can try to handle my New York personal injury claim on my own?
A: There is one main thing you need to know...
Q: What are some common medical mistakes that can occur during a hysterectomy?
A: All surgeries carry some risks but certain surgeries may lead to more common types of medical mistakes. A hysterectomy is a serious type of surgery to undergo, so if a doctor’s error results in additional damage it could be potentially...