For many people, pharmacies are more than just a place to pick up medication. They play an integral role in their healthcare. But not everyone thinks about the importance of using a quality pharmacy. Consider when it might be time to make a...
Woman Gets $25 Million after Losing Arms & Legs Despite Tort Reform
Ascaris Mayo of Milwaukee was admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pain and fever. Although the E.R. doctors were treating her for an infection, the patient was not made aware of the diagnosis. After spending nine hours at the hospital,...
Q: Who is liable for a slip and fall accident in a hospital, and is that considered to be medical malpractice?
Q: Who is liable for a slip and fall accident in a hospital, and is that considered to be medical malpractice?
A: If you were hurt in a slip and fall accident in a hospital, contacting an attorney may be advisable. Medical malpractice...