Thirty-Three Percent of Fatal Teen Crashes Involve Speed

Teen drivers oftentimes engage in risky behaviors, one of which is speeding, a factor in 33 percent of fatal teen car crashes in 2011 according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. Since 2000, although the numbers of teen drivers killed has significantly decreased, the percentage that involved speeding actually increased from 30 percent.

Those who are most likely to speed are male teens. But this is increased under a couple of different conditions. One is when driving at night and the other is when teen passengers are inside the vehicle. In fact, nearly half of fatal crashes involving 16-year-old male drivers who had at least three teen passengers were speeding-related.

One of the concerns raised is that other dangerous behaviors (like distracted driving) get more attention than speeding. By limiting some of the risk factors—such as restrictions on driving at night or the number of passengers allowed in a vehicle—it’s believed these deaths could be reduced.

Other Risk Factors Involving Teen Drivers

Even without speeding, teens that drive with other passengers have an increased risk of crashing. Males in general are also more likely to be involved in an accident. But another risk factor is drivers in their first few months of getting their driver’s license.

Other risk factors include: 

  • an inability to recognize dangerous situations;
  • impairment; and
  • failure to wear seatbelts.

Some of these issues increase the chance of an accident while other ones may contribute to the severity of injuries sustained in an accident.

If someone has been injured or killed in a crash involving a teen driver, contact Gacovino, Lake & Associates. Our attorneys understand the unique dangers associated with this age group. We can help determine fault and who may be held liable for serious injuries or untimely death.

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