Undergoing plastic surgery? 5 Questions to Ask Before Subjecting to the Knife

Plastic surgery can be a great option if you desire to make certain changes to your appearance. However, take the necessary steps to ensure that you are properly informed about the procedure before going under the knife. 

5 Questions to Ask Before Plastic Surgery 

1.What are your qualifications? There’s no harm in asking a plastic surgeon about his or her qualifications. Most understand that patients are nervous and want to make sure they are making the correct decision. They should be forthcoming with board certification (aim for a surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery) and other qualifications.

2.What should my expectations be? Before your procedure, make sure that you have realistic expectations about the results. If you are unsure of what to expect after healing, ask questions until you know. Do not allow yourself to go into the procedure with unrealistic expectations.

3.Do I have any other options for the results I desire? In some cases, a less invasive procedure may yield similar results. Ask about other options that you may have to reach desired results (just make sure you’re not holding onto unrealistic expectations!).

4.What are the risks of this surgery? Thoroughly discuss any risks or possible complications associated with the procedure. Take these into account when deciding whether to have surgery.

5.How long will it take to recover? Do not try to rush recovery. Make sure you understand how long it will take and follow any instructions you’ve been given.

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